Amendments to Uniform Policy

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Dear Parents,
It has been an extremely positive start to the term with most students ready and dressed for excellence: thank you so much for your support.
We are continually striving to raise standards and as such, several minor amendments have been made to the uniform policy. Although the requirements of students’ dress are set out as clearly as possible in the policy, occasionally anomalies occur. In all cases, the Principal’s decision about what constitutes acceptable uniform is final. The main amendments are outlined below and are effective immediately:
One pair of small studs may be worn in the ears and one nose stud is acceptable. All other visible piercings must be removed.
Nails must be kept to a reasonable length to allow effective participation in PE and practical subjects. False/acrylic nails are therefore not permitted.
Make-up may be worn; however, it should be kept to a minimum and the effect created should be as ‘natural’ as possible.
Our full Uniform Policy can be found here.
The vast majority of our students are already in compliance with the amendments to the policy outlined above. We thank you for your continued support and urge you to please check with the academy if anything is unclear.
Should you have any questions, please contact me at
Best wishes
Clare Raku
Head of School
Sir Christopher Hatton Academy