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Student Learning Journeys

Our Hatton Student Learning Journeys are designed to help students navigate their learning in all subject areas. These can also be used to discuss your child's learning with them and support them in further developing their learning.

Each Student Learning Journey covers the following areas:

  • What students have previously learnt 
  • What they will be learning during this topic
  • Key vocabulary and terminology (categorised into tier 2 and tier 3 vocabulary)
    • Tier 2 vocabulary refers to high-frequency words found across many subject areas such as evaluate, discuss and establish
    • Tier 3 vocabulary refers to subject specific language such as photosynthesis in Science, meta-theatre in Drama and democracy in History
  • Further learning opportunities
  • Hatton Character Qualities developed through this learning

You can access the Student Learning Journeys for Term 3 by selecting the Year Group below:

Year 7

Year 8

Year 9

Year 10

Year 11

These areas will be updated with Student Learning Journeys on a termly basis - come back soon!